ASCII Art Flags
and Geographic Maps
jgs         #######::::::
Midi Controls; "O, Canada" for my neighbors across the lake
  • Canada 
  • Denmark
  • Finland 
  • Indonesia 
  • Japan
  • Libya 
  • Monaco 
  • Poland 
  • Sweden 
  • Switzerland 
  • Ukraine
  • United Kingdom (Union Jack)
  • United States of America 
  • State: 
  • Colorado 
  • Ohio 
  • Texas



    State Outlines / Maps

  • Globe
  • United States
  • Texas
  • .:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:.
    >> Canada National Flag <<   (&- red)   7/96
      |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&         .\^/.          &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&       . |&&&| .        &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&       |\|&&&|/|        &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&    .--'&&&&&&&'--.     &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&     \&&&&&&&&&&&/      &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&      >&&&&&&&&&<       &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&     '~|/~~|~~\|~'      &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&           |            &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&&                        &&&&&&&|
    >>  Canada National Flag- 2  <<
      |&&&&&&                         &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&                         &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&                         &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&          .\^/.          &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&        . |   | .        &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&        |\|   |/|        &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&     .--'       '--.     &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&      \           /      &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&       >         <       &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&      '~|/~~|~~\|~'      &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&            |            &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&                         &&&&&&|
      |&&&&&&                         &&&&&&|
    >> Denmark National Flag <<  (#- red)
    >> Sweden National Flag <<  (#-blue, cross- yellow)
    >> Finland National Flag <<  (#- white, cross- blue)
    -=[ Japan flag ]=-  6/00
        | |--------------------.
        | |                    |
        | |       .-""-.       |
        | |      /      \      |
        | |     |        |     |
        | |      \      /      |
        | |       '-..-'       |
        | |                    |
     jgs| |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'
        | |
    >> Libya National Flag <<  (#-green)
       (gee, this was a real toughie! hehehe)    :)
    >> Switzerland National Flag <<  (#- red)
    >> Ukraine National Flag <<  (#- blue,  :- yellow)
    >> Indonesia National Flag <<  (#- red, :- white)
    >> Monaco National Flag <<  (#- red, :- white)
    >> Poland National Flag << (#- white, :- red)
    >> United Kingdom National Flag <<  10/96
         | |___________________________________________
         | |`-._`-._         :|    |:         _.-'_.-'|
         | |`-._`-._`-._     :|    |:     _.-'_.-'_.-'|
         | |    `-._`-._`-._ :|    |: _.-'_.-'_.-'    |
         | | _ _ _ _`-._`-._`:|    |:`_.-'_.-' _ _ _ _|
         | |------------------      ------------------|
         | |                                          |
         | |__________________      __________________|
         | |- - - - -_.--_.--:|    |:--._--._- - - - -|
         | |     _.-'_.-'_.-':|    |:`-._`-._`-._     |
      jgs| | _.-'_.-'_.-'    :|    |:    `-._`-._`-._ |
         | |'_.-'_.-'        :|    |:        `-._`-._`|
         | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         | |
         | |
         | |
         | |
         | |
         | |
     -=[ United Kingdom flag- small ]=-
    |-._`-._ :| |: _.-'_.-|
    |   `-._`:| |:`_.-'   |
    |-------`-' '-'-------|
    |------_.-. .-._------|
    |  _.-'_.:| |:._`-._  |
    |-'_.-'  :| |:  `-._`-|
    -=[ UK flags / Union Jacks ]=-  1/98
           thanks llizard!
          | |_________
          | |`-._`-._(___________
          | |`-._`-._|   :|    |(__________
          | |    `-._|   :|    || _.-'_.-'|
          | | _ _ _ _|._ :|    ||'_.-'_.-'|
          | |--------|._`:|    ||'_.-'    |
          | |        |----      |' _ _ _ _|
          | |________|          |---------|
          | |- - - - |____      |         |
          | |     _.-|.--:|    ||_________|
       jgs| | _.-'_.-|.-':|    ||- - - - -|
          | |'_.-'_.-|   :|    ||`-._     |
          | |~~~~~~~~|   :|    ||`-._`-._ |
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          | |       |`:|    |:|'_.-'_.-'|
          | |_______|--      -|'_.-'    |
          | |- - - -|         |' _ _ _ _|
          | |     _.|__      _|---------|
       jgs| | _.-'_.|-:|    |:|         |
          | |'_.-'_.|':|    |:|_________|
          | |~~~~~~~| :|    |:|- - - - -|
          | |       | :|    |:|`-._     |
          | |       '~~~~~~~~~|`-._`-._ |
          | |                 |`-._`-._`|
          | |                 '~~~~~~~~~~
          | |
    >> United States of America National Flag <<  7/96
     |*  *  *  *  * |##########################|
     | *  *  *  *  *|                          |
     |*  *  *  *  * |##########################|
     | *  *  *  *  *|                          |
     |*  *  *  *  * |##########################|
     | *  *  *  *  *|                          |
     |*  *  *  *  * |##########################|
     |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                          |
     |                                         |
     |                                         |
     (I took some liberties with the flag... there should be fifty
      stars- one to represent each state-- in the upper left corner
      I just couldn't get them all to fit and still look right; my
      apologies to the 15 missing states...)  ~Joan
    @@ United States National Flag @@  11/96
        .:*~*:._.:*~*:.*.:*~*:._.:                                   :.
        .:*~*:.*.:*~*:._.:*~*:.*.:                                   :.
        .:*~*:._.:*~*:.*.:*~*:._.:                                   :.
        .:                                                           :.
        .:                                                           :. 
        .:                                                           :. 
    jgs .:
    -=[ US flag-  vertical ]=-  6/97
                # # # #::::::
                # # # #::::::
                # # # #::::::
                # # # #::::::
                # # # # # # #
                # # # # # # #
                # # # # # # #
                # # # # # # #
                # # # # # # #
     jgs        # # # # # # #
    -=[ vertical flag- color ]=-  6/97
    jgs          #######::::::
    -=[ US flags ]=-  5/00
         | |______
         | |* * * )
         | | * * (_________
         | |* * * |* *|####)
         | | * * *| * |   (________________
         | |* * * |* *|####|##############|
         | | * * *| * |    |              |
         | |* * * |* *|####|##############|
         | |~~~~~~| * |    |              |
         | |######|* *|####|##############|
         | |      |~~~'    |              |
         | |######|########|##############|
         | |      |        |              |
         | |######|########|##############|
         | |~~~~~~|        |              |
         | |      |########|##############|
         | |      '~~~~~~~~|              |
         | |               |##########JGS#|
         | |               '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
         | |
         | |
         | |
            ||  `"""|====|
        jgs ||      `""""`

    >>  Colorado  <<   10/96

     ||                        | 
     ||       _..._            | 
     ||_____,'  _  `.__________| 
     ||    :  .' '.-'          | 
     ||____:  `._.'-.__________| 
     ||     `._   _.'          | 
     ||        '''             | 
     || jgs

    >>  Ohio  <<  7/96
     ||  `\######`--.__ 
     ||    `\##########`--.__
     ||      `\##############`--.__
     ||     *  `\'#################`--.__
     ||          `\  '###################`--.__
     || *          `\     '####################`--.__
     ||              `\       '######################`--.__
     ||                `\            '#####################`--.__
     ||           *      `\                '#####################`-.
     ||      *         *   `\                    '#############_.-'
     ||       .''''''''.     `\                        '####.-'
     ||  *   ' .######. '.     `\                   __.-'~~
     ||    .` .########. `.      `\##############.-'
     ||   .' .##########. `.    *  `\#########.-'
     || * :  ############  : *     * >#######<
     ||   `. '##########' .'    *   /##########`-._
     ||    '. '########' .'       /############### `--._
     ||  *  '. '######' .'      /'                      `--._
     ||       `'.......'      /'                        .####'--._
     ||      *          *   /'                    '############## `-.
     ||           *       /'                .###################.-'~
     ||                 /'           .####################.--'~~
     ||               /'       .#####################.--'~~
     ||  *          /'    .####################.--'~~
     ||           /' .###################.--'~~
     ||      *  /'#################.--'~~
     ||       /##############.--'~~
     ||     /##########.--'~~
     ||   /##JGS##.--'~~
     || /##.--'~~
         #- red
         "O"- white
         *-white stars
         triangle is blue
         stripes alternate red/white

       ** the only non-rectangular state flag is Ohio! **

    -=[ Texas flag ]=-  6/00

             |        |             |
             | __/\__ |             |
             | '.  .' |_____________|
             |  /..\  |             |
             |  `  `  |             |
             |        |             |
         jgs '--------'-------------'


    -=[ globe ]=-  7/97
            _.-'` __|__
          .'  ,-:` \;',`'-, 
         /  .'-;_,;  ':-;_,'.
        /  /;   '/    ,  _`.-\
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       |  |     (   `,  .`\ ;'|
        \  \     | .'     `-'/
         \  `.   ;/        .'
          '._ `'-._____.-'`
         jgs  /___________\
     -=[ earth ]=-
             ,-:` \;',`'-, 
           .'-;_,;  ':-;_,'.
          /;   '/    ,  _`.-\
         | '`. (`     /` ` \`|
         |:.  `\`-.   \_   / |
         |     (   `,  .`\ ;'|
          \     | .'     `-'/
           `.   ;/        .'
         jgs `'-._____.-'`
    -=[ United States ]=-  6/98
            ) `"""";._/}
            |       ' /
            \        |
       jgs   '--. .-.\
                 `   `
    -=[ state of Texas ]=-  6/00
               |   |
               |   '._   _
               |      ``` '|
           ____|           \
          `-.               |
             \ _           /
              ` `\       /`
                  \   .'`
            jgs    \  \ 

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